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Show as thumbnails4 Photos/3 Species
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624 - Campanula - Campanula poscharskyana - 'Blue Waterfalls' - 15cm

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in my garden borders/chesterfield/united kingdom

can you tell me what this plant is called please? It has a 3cm wide flower and the leaf is about the same size. Tentative ID Campanula poscharskyana.

Photographer: Blu

Common Mullein

628 - Common Mullein - Verbascum thapsus

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Chesterfield/United Kingdom

No idea what this is must be 5ft tall & about 8 of these have just appeared this year on my outside embankment.Can anybody identify please.

Photographer: Mystery plant

Common Mullein

629 - Common Mullein - Verbascum thapsus

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Chesterfield/United Kingdom

Photographer: Mystery plant


797 - Unknown - Unknown

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This was seen at Hardwick hall in may 2016 - anybody know what it is

Photographer: steve

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