10 - Lollipop plant - Pachystachys lutea - 50cm
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Asa Wright Centre/Port of Spain/Trinidad
Photographer: Dave Cullen

19 - Beach Morning Glory - Ipomoea pes-caprae - 10m
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Asa Wright Centre/Port of Spain/Trinidad
Photographer: Dave Cullen

4 - Red Torch Ginger - Etlingera eliatior - 2m
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Asa Wright Centre/Port of Spain/Trinidad
Photographer: Dave Cullen

2 - Beaked Heliconia - Heliconia rostrata - 3m
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Asa Wright Centre/Port of Spain/Trinidad
Photographer: Dave Cullen

3 - Beaked Heliconia - Heliconia rostrata - 3m
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Asa Wright Centre/Port of Spain/Trinidad
Photographer: Dave Cullen