238 - Kentish Belle - Abutilon megapotamicum - 2m
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Garden/Buckhurst Hill/United Kingdom
Close up of Abutilon Flower by "chalkey"
Photographer: Chalkey
234 - Hibiscus - Hibiscus - 1m
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Greenhouse/Buckhurst Hill/England
A Spectacular Plant with Blooms up to 15cm Diameter, this "close up" shows the Stamen, and the centre of the Bloom, a tender plant, this one from a cutting taken in Cyprus
Photographer: Chalkey
241 - Columbine - Aquilegia - 50cm
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Garden/Buckhurst Hill/United Kingdom
This Aquilesia has an entirely different bloom to the Commonly recognised, Hardy, easy to grow, Photographer "Chalkey"
Photographer: Chalkey
240 - Ladies Bonnet - Aquilegia vulgaris - 50cm
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Garden/Buckhurst Hill/United Kingdom
Sometimes referred to as "Columbine", very easy to Grow, Hardy, the ones named "Ladies Bonnet" had long Tails on th bloom,Photographer "Chalkey"
Photographer: Chalkey
236 - Love-in-a-Mist - Nigella damascena - 45cm
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Garden/Buckhurst Hill/United Kingdom
Hardy Ammual, sow Seed from September to May, Flowers from July to September, Photographer Chalkey
Photographer: Chalkey