806 - -
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Danebury Hill Iron Age Hill Fort/Stockbridge/England
Flowering at midsummer (and traditionally used in Latvian midsummer floral wreaths) I am looking to find out the scientific or common English name for this plant which I found growing at Danebury. It has tall sprays of tiny white flowers.
Photographer: LitlLinden

789 - Buttercup -
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Field of buttercups
Photographer: JBWPhotography

681 - Millet - Millet
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This appeared in our garden and has continued to grow rapidly. It is in the area of the birdtable so I wonder if it has grown from a seed deposited from the table. Any advice appreciated.
Not sure which species of Millet, so scientific name not set.
Photographer: going2press

790 - Snowdrops -
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Photographer: JBWPhotography

762 - Spiny Bear's Breeches - Acanthus spicata
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Kings Lynn/UK
We saw this at Houghton Hall in Norfolk and wondered if anyone knew what it was?
Photographer: MikeG